Julia van der Meijden

Social butterfly, out of the box thinker and creative busy body!

P.S. Please don't mind the mess, this portfolio is currently under construction and all coding is self taught! :)

And who am I...You ask?


  • Name: Julia van der Meijden
  • Age: 25
  • Nationality: Dutch
  • Languages: Dutch, English & German
  • Study: Communication and Multimedia Design + Honours Program CMI
  • Residence: Rotterdam, The Netherlands


I take pride in my work and in being a jack of all trades. My brain is constantly picking up new and exciting information from all around me. Even though it has brought my mother a lot of stress over the years, I have always been an investigative individual. As a little kid I would run through the neighbourhood looking for adventure, climb the highest trees to see what the world looked like from a different angle and test out if my dad's expensive travel-clock could float (which it couldn't by the way)... That's why, in my free time I enjoy travelling and soaking up the new experiences it brings. As travelling can be time and money consuming, I tend to satisfy my cravings for new experiences by reading or by picking up a new skill.

In addition, I always try to reflect on a situation from multiple sides before coming to any conclusions. This can be applied to multiple parts of my life, like how I tackle my problems, treat other people’s views or my character strengths and weaknesses. This trait strongly adds to my ability as a designer to come up with creative and innovative, target group based solutions. It also added a lot to my role as peer-coach & member of the study programme committee, as I not only discussed important topics, but actually tried to coach my fellow students and teachers into coming up with creative solutions themselves.

My Skillset


As someone who is very solution oriented, I am always coming up with new ways of tackling and fixing a problem. It doesn't always work immediately, but it can't hurt to try and try again until it does!


I love working with watercolors and fineliners, but I don't have one particularly defind style yet. My different illustrating styles often blend together to create a unique work of art.


Dubbed by classmates as "crafting queen", I probably know of a material or technique that you can use to achieve this and that. If I don't, it gets me excited as I have yet to experiment with something new!

Adobe Programmes

I'm not a master but I know my way around the basic application of the programmes. As a perfectionist eager to learn, I can't wait to further enhance my skills in these programmes.


Apart from being fluent in Dutch and English, I can understand and read German aswell. I am quite articulate, love reading and enjoy writing english poetry in my spare time.

Concept Development

As a CMD student, concept development is an important aspect of every single project. Because of my multiple angled approach at problems, a lot of unique but well-founded concepts have come by.


I usually take pictures with my mom's old analog camera. I don't know a lot about the different effects of iso settings and shutter speeds, but I enjoy showing others what the world looks like through my eyes.


A little-bit-more than basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. This self coded portfolio website is living proof of that. I'm constantly learning more and more and i'll be updating this site as I do.


I can't imagine anyone loves presenting from the bottom of their heart, but being able to convey a clear and natural sounding message without visibly sweating is a skill worth mentioning.

My Diploma's and certificates

  • Rijnlands Lyceum, Wassenaar

    HAVO Degree 2008-2013

    At the Rijnlands Lyceum in Wassenaar I graduated with a HAVO degree.

  • Cambridge

    CAE, Certificate of Advanced English 2014

    I gained my Cambridge CAE with a grade B.

  • Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum, The Hague

    VWO Degree 2013-2015

    After my HAVO degree, I continued at Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum in The Hague and graduated with a VWO degree.

  • Cambridge

    CPE, Certificate of Proficiency in English 2015

    I gained my Cambridge CPE with a grade A.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam

    Propedeuse 2019

    I received my Propedeuse for Communication and Multimedia Design.

My Higher education

  • Universiteit Leiden

    International Bachelor of Psychology 2015-2016

    After a year of studying IBP at the University of Leiden, I found this study too theoretical. The reason why I wanted to study psychology in the first place, was to analyse and understand human behavior, but instead I had to study medicine, biology and statistics, which is why I didn't finish my bachelors.

  • Willem de Kooning Academy

    Bachelor of Illustration 2017-2018

    After a year of studying Illustration at the WDKA, I found the study too vague. I realised that I want to design with a purpose, instead of just achieving an aesthetic value, which is why I didn't finish my bachelors.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam

    Communication and Multimedia Design September 2018-Now

    After my previous two studies, I came across CMD. A mixture of Psychology, Design and Communication. Here i'm able to use my previously gained knowledge and apply it to the fullest. I am currently in my final year of the education.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam, CMI

    Honours program February 2021-Now

    As I have felt since the start of my CMD studies, the regular curriculum doesn't offer me enough of a challenge. That's why I desperately wanted to join the Honours Program of the CMI institute at Hogeschool Rotterdam. This program offers an extra challenge to motivated students, with interdisciplinairy assignments and network meetups. Broadening my perspective and giving me the chance to hone my other skills, outside of CMD aswell.

  • Koln International School of Design, Germany

    Integrated Design September 2021-Now

    As I have always wanted to study abroad, during my minor phase I decided to study Integrated Design at KISD in Germany. As a preperation for my graduation, I want to challenge myself by participating in projects and seminars that are outside my field of comfort.

My Work Experience

  • Albert Heijn, Wassenaar

    Store Clerk Mar-Sep 2012

    My first job was working at the Albert Heijn in Wassenaar. Where I worked as a store clerk.

  • Haagse Hogeschool

    Young Expert Teammember Dec 2012-June 2013

    The Haagse Hogeschool invited me to join the Young Expert Team. A team in which we discussed important social matters.

  • Gardencenter Bosrand, Wassenaar

    Store Clerk Jul-Sep 2013

    During my summer holiday I spent time working as a store clerk at a garden center, making plant/flower arangements.

  • Intertoys, The Hague

    Store Clerk Sep 2016-Apr 2017

    At Intertoys I worked as a store clerk and occasionally got extra tasks such as rearanging the products in the store to transform them into an appealing display.

  • Wallaby Sanctuary, Cooktown (Australia)

    Volunteer June 2017

    In Cooktown Australia, I volunteered at a Wallaby Sanctuary. Here I took care of orphaned baby Wallabies.

  • Roomplaza, South-Holland

    Area Manager Jan 2018-Sept 2019

    Roomplaza is a fast growing company for student housing in multiple cities in South-Holland. Apart from helping the students, I also took on new student housing projects with my own team, from completely empty to a completely furnished house.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam

    Peercoach July 2019-July 2020

    Whilst being a peercoach I helped first year students with their studies, gave them feedback and helped them with issues outside of the classwork aswell. I assisted the teacher in any way possible. Apart from helping the current students, I also gave presentations about CMD at high schools throughout South-Holland in order to bring my study to the attention of potential new students.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam

    Study programme committee January 2020-November 2021

    Together with teachers and the school's director we discuss and vote on important topics within the CMD education. Especially during the corona period this was an important role for me, as I was able to help not just my classmates but all the students within CMD.

  • MCW creative agency

    Design internship September 2020-February 2021

    For the first semester of my third year at CMD, I chose to do my internship at MCW creative agency in Rotterdam. At MCW my goal was to figure out where my interests lie, while educating myself and improving my UI, UX and visual design abilities. After finishing my internship with a beautiful grade, 9/10, I now know UX design and user research has my prefference.

  • Hogeschool Rotterdam

    Peercoach March 2021-July 2021

    After coming back from my internship, the student coordinator requested me to become a peercoach again until the summer break. This time for the first and second year students of CMD.

My Works

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Contact Me

The Netherlands


Mobile Phone:
+31 (0) 611962245